American Institute of Hydrology (AIH)
Up Next - October 24: Register now for our online workshop...
Dr. Richard Koehler presents “Data Visualization and Informational Design for Water Resources Data” – AIH members ask for your discount code.
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We are pleased to announce that the 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences (ECWS-8) is back. The conference is organized by the MDPI journal Water (ISSN: 2073-4441, Impact Factor: […]
Registration is open for this online workshop! Register here. Participation is limited to 15 attendees! AIH members = $100.00 (contact or (540) 500-1933 for the promotion code) Lapsed/non-members = […]
For more information, contact AIH Membership & Certification Database Manager, Ginger Tinsley at or call 540-500-1933. The Hydrologist-in-Training (HIT) membership is for new college graduates who have passed the […]
For more information, contact AIH Membership & Certification Database Manager, Ginger Tinsley at or call 540-500-1933. The Hydrologic Technician (HT) has an emphasis on hands-on knowledge and field experience. The certification […]
Ely, Nevada 89301 United States
2025 National Cave & Karst Management Symposium Hosted by the Western Cave Conservancy Cave and karst resource management spans a wide array of scientific and recreational disciplines. Across North America, […]
Who We Are
The American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) was founded in 1981 as a non-profit scientific and educational organization dedicated to the certification and registration of professionals in all fields of hydrology. AIH is the only nationwide organization that offers certification to qualified hydrologic professionals.
The purpose of AIH is to enhance and strengthen the standing of hydrology as a science and profession by:
- Establishing standards and procedures to certify individuals qualified to practice hydrology
- Establishing and maintaining ethical standards to protect the public from irresponsible work
- Providing education, public advice, and training in hydrology
The benefits of being a member of AIH include:
- Peer and employer recognition of professional competence in hydrology for career advancement
- Certification to perform duties specified by certain agencies
- Association to a nationwide network of hydrologists
- Access to and opportunities for contributing to AIH Bulletin
- Access to career development and continuing education resources
- Eligibility for annual awards
Unlike certification examinations for other organizations, AIH examinations focus solely on knowledge and understanding of hydrology.
- The Professional Hydrologist Examination
- The Hydrologic Technician Examination
Benefits of Certification
Certification by AIH provides a means by which the public, employers, and clients can recognize those hydrologic professionals who are judged by their peers to possess the proper and necessary qualifications to practice their profession with integrity.
Benefits of being certified by AIH include:
- Peer recognition of professional competence in hydrology
- Career resources
- A nationwide network of hydrologists
- AIH Bulletin
- Access to continuing education resources