The American Institute of Hydrology (AIH) recognizes the following individuals for their outstanding accomplishments in the fields of groundwater, surface water, and water quality:
- Vicki Kretsinger Grabert, PH (Luhdorff & Scalmanini Consulting Engineers) – Charles V. Theis Award for Contributions to Groundwater
- Dr. Phil Bedient (Rice University) – Ray K. Linsley Award for Contributions to Surface Water
- Dr. Ying Ouyang, PH (U.S. Forest Service) – Robert G. Wetzel Award for Water Quality
These awards are named after prominent scientists and engineers, who have made numerous lasting contributions to the hydrologic sciences. Join us in congratulating Vicki Kretsinger Grabert, PH, Dr. Phil Bedient, and Dr. Ying Ouyang, PH!

Charles V. Theis Award for Contributions to Groundwater - Vicki Kretsinger Grabert, PH
Vicki has more than 30 years of experience in regional groundwater resource management and groundwater quality assessments. Additionally, she has played key leadership roles in promoting technical collaboration, education, and training of groundwater hydrologists, and in development and implementation of legislation and key polices, regulations, and management strategies for sustainable groundwater resources management. Her technical contributions and achievements during her career supported improved groundwater resources management across California for agriculture, industrial, and municipal beneficial uses.

Ray K. Linsley Award for Contributions to Surface Water - Dr. Phil Bedient
Dr. Bedient has been a long-time leading applied researcher in watershed flooding, storm-surge impacts, flood early warning systems, and surface water quality. He formed the Severe Storm Prediction Center (SSPEED) at Rice University in 2009 consisting of a team of seven universities and 15 investigators from Gulf coast universities dedicated to improving storm prediction, education, and evacuation from disaster. He has also spent the majority of his career at Rice University where has become one of the most notable national figures in surface water hydrology, especially as it relates to flooding and stormwater runoff.

Robert G. Wetzel Award for Water Quality - Dr. Ying Ouyang, PH
Dr. Ouyang has made transformative contributions to hydrology, soil physics, and water resources. He is a world-renowned hydrologist in developing STELLA models. Additionally, he served as associate editor for the Journal of Environmental Quality of Soil Science Society of America for 15 years.