Hydrologists and Hydrologic Technicians:
The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) is seeking scientific and technical experts to help review and resolve flood map challenges.
To serve on the Scientific Resolution Panel you must:
- Have a minimum of 10 years of proven experience with expertise in one of the following:
- surface water hydrology
- hydraulics
- coastal engineering
- other relevant engineering and scientific fields or a related field:
- Coastal storm and hydraulic engineering
- Coastal geotechnical engineering
- Water resource engineering (surface water hydrology, open-channel flow hydraulics, hydrologic engineering)
- Geotechnical engineering
- Alluvial fan engineering
- Levee analysis and mapping
- FEMA guidelines and standards for flood risk analysis and mapping
- They also must have expertise with riverine, lacustrine, coastal flood hazard, surveying, topographic information, hydrologic analysis, hydraulic analysis, coastal analysis or other pertinent experience applicable to the development of flood elevations and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).
To become a member of the panel or learn more about the scientific panel resolution initiative, or fill out an application: visit www.floodsrp.org/apply.
What Happens Next:
If approved, SRP Cadre members may be called to serve on one to three SRPs per year, averaging the equivalent of two to five days’ effort spread over three months.
Panels will be conducted virtually, with no travel involved. Panel members will be compensated for their services under contract with NIBS.
If you know anyone within your network who is also an expert and would be interested in participating, feel free to forward this information to them.