The next issue of the AIH Bulletin is scheduled to be published in the winter of 2021, for which the editorial team invites contributions from members.
Original articles on any aspect of hydrology (e.g., administrative, technical, socioeconomic) will be considered for publication. It is not required that the article be based on academic or scientific work; however, it should not be published elsewhere. Book reviews may also be submitted under this category.
- Please provide an un-formatted word document of your story without embedded images. You can signify where you’d like a submitted image using brackets.
- Images you wish to be included with your article must not be embedded in the Word document; send them separately and labeled with names corresponding to where you’d like them used in the Word document.
- Articles must have a brief title and a byline.
- Supply a high-resolution head-shot of the author.
- Article length must be between 500 – 1000 words.
- Please include an “About the Author” post script, to provide our audience with the context of your perspectives. Include how you would like your name and title to be presented.
- Avoid using too many bulleted lists, diagrams or graphs in your article.
Beside original articles, members may also submit leads to items of interest to the hydrologists’ community. Such items may include news related to the field of hydrology, conferences, new publications, etc.

If you are interested in contributing, please send articles or other items of interest via the Dropbox link below by Friday, October 15, 2021. Please ensure submissions are identified properly (example: TitleofArticle-FirstLastName.doc) and that supporting graphics/images are of the highest possible quality. Be sure to include your contact information within your submission as well.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our office at